AKKPS Member


3 Types of AKKPS Registration Pedigrees
  • Full Registration 
      • breeding rights 
      • parentage DNA Verification required
      • ID method required
  • Companion Animal Registration 
      • no breeding rights  
      • does NOT require Parentage DNA Verification however the AKKPS reserves the right to request, for any reason, an animal be Parentage DNA verified 
      • ID method required
      • can be converted to full registration by the breeder at any time with a parentage DNA Report
  • Animal For Harvest Registration 
    • no breeding rights
    • does NOT require Parentage DNA Verification however the AKKPS reserves the right to request, for any reason, an animal be Parentage DNA verified 
    • ID method required
    • can be converted to full registration by the breeder at any time with a parentage DNA Report
 8 Types of AKKPS Animal Status 
  • AKKPS Number with NO letter Behind the Number  The pig is fully registered with DNA in the AKKPS Herd Book and has a DNA number.
  • P - Pending   The letter P apprears at the end of the AKKPS number and means that the pig has been litter notified.  The pig has NOT been registered yet.
  • A - Companion Animal  This animal has been AKKPS Registered as a Companion Animal and has NO breeding rights.  Ususally this is used for barrows.  There is NO DNA required.
  • MP - Animal for Harvest  This animal has been AKKPS Registered as an Animal for Harvest and has NO breeding rights and is intened to be harvested.  There is NO DNA required.
  • OB - Under Observation  This is used for animals that are being observed and the breeder has not yet decided what type of AKKPS pedigree the pig will be placed on.  These animals are NOT registered yet.
  • DH - Deceased Harvested  This animal is deceased and was harvested.
  • DO - Deceased Other  This animal is deceased and was died for another reason besides being harvested.
  • R - Retired  This is used for breeding animals that are no longer being bred and living their life out on the members farm.


3 Steps to AKKPS Registration for 3 Types of AKKPS Registration

  1. Litter Notification submitted by the Breeder after the litter is born. 
  2. DNA sent to UC Davis after the litter notification is returned to the breeder by the registrar.  This step is NOT required for Companion Animal or Pig for Harvest Registration/Pedigree.
  3. Registration is the last step in the registration process.  For pigs with Full Registration rights, this step is completed by the breeder and submitted to the AKKPS Registrar after the DNA results are back from UC Davis.   For Animals for Harvest or Grazing Animals (pets), this step is completed by the AKKPS Member and not the registrar and does not require a DNA report.
Step 1 - Litter Notification
  • A Litter Notification must contain all pigs in the litter regardless of whether they will be registered or not.
  • AKKPS does not require AKKPS Members to litter notify deceased piglets however many breeders do so in order to keep accurate numbers on progeny.
  • Both the sire and dam of the litter must be fully AKKPS registered in the AKKPS Herd Book.
  • AKKPS does allow Artificial Insemination (AI) however the boar must be AKKPS registered per AKKPS Member Vote.
  • AKKPS does NOT allow cloning animals for Litter Notification per AKKPS Member Vote.
  • AKKPS accepts Double Wattled, Single Wattled and Unwattled Pigs for Full Registration, Companion Registration and Animal for Harvest Registration.
  • The Breeder must be the owner of the dam in the AKKPS Herd Book at the time the litter is born.
  • The Breeder does NOT need to be the owner of the sire in the AKKPS Herd Book.  
  • AKKPS does NOT require a sire service Form if the boar is not owned by the Breeder.
  • There is no time frame on submitting a litter notification however it is strongly advised to do it as soon as the litter is born.
  • AKKPS will accept Litter Notifications from recently dual registered pigs where the piglets were born prior to the sire and dam being AKKPS registered however the Litter Notification cannot be submitted until the dual registrations are completed by the AKKPS registrar and reflected in the AKKPS Herd Book.  The date of the pedigree provided from another registry will indicate the sow was owned by the breeder at the time the litter was born.
  • Only the AKKPS registrar assigns AKKPS Registered Names at the time of full registration not at the time of Litter Notification. 
  • Should the breeder not know the sire or dam, the breeder should pick a sire and dam that they think are the parents.  If this information turns out not to be correct once DNA is back, the mistake will be corrected at the time the pig is fully registered.
  • Mistakes made when submitting litter notification (wrong parent, color, wattle count, sex, etc.) will be changed ONLY at the time of full registration.  Animals that are designated for Animals for Harvest and Grazing Animals will not have mistakes corrected.
  • A litter notification does not indicate that DNA has been submitted or completed, it simply means the litter has been assigned AKKPS numbers.  Additionally, it does not guarantee that the sire and dam listed on the Litter Notification are the correct parents, the Parentage DNA results will confirm the sire and dam. 
  • Litter Notifications are automatically sent to the Breeder after submission via email and are also in the Breeders receipts section under the membership portal.
  • Pigs should be litter notified with the number of wattles they are born with.
  • Pigs should be litter notified the color they are when litter notified and this color will remain with the pig permanently.  Only the breeder can change the color in the future if a mistake is made.


  • Litter Notify ALL piglets born to the litter including stillborns and deceased piglets.
  • When Litter Notifying, use the "Notes" section to make any notes about the farrowing. The notes are included on the bottom of your Litter Notification PDF for future reference.  Notes could be anything from how farrowing went, meds given, deceased or stillborn piglets, labor length, etc.  The Member is the ONLY person that can see these notes - they are not public.
  • Update any deceased and stillborn piglets to Deceased - Other in the My Animals section of the AKKPS Member Portal
  • Litter Notifying the complete litter will keep your Sow and Boars Progeny/Offspring accurate in the AKKPS Herd Book.
  • This is NOT required but is strongly encouraged.
Step 2 - Parentage DNA Verification
  • AKKPS only accepts Parentage DNA Verification through UC Davis.  No other companies' DNA tests are accepted. 
  • A litter notification must be done prior requesting Parentage DNA Verification.  The assigned AKKPS number must appear on the pigs DNA report.
  • Companion Animal Registration - This type of pedigree does NOT require DNA and does NOT include breeding/registration rights. 
  • Pig for Harvest Registration - This type of pedigree does NOT require DNA and does NOT include breeding/registration rights.
  • AKKPS does not accept Genetic Markers DNA tests (tests that simply show the pigs DNA).  Parentage DNA testing is the only test accepted and must be throughout the entire pedigree up to the imports of the pig being tested.
  • The Breeders DNA account with UC Davis must be used.  Results will not be accepted from any other account.
  • AKKPS (KPS) affiliation should be checked giving AKKPS permission to make changes on DNA reports as needed.
  • Test submittal must include the information supplied on the litter notification.  Only use the information found on the Litter Notification for the pigs information - please do not deviate from it. 
  • NO call names should be entered on DNA submittal.
  • The full completed parentage DNA report supplied by UC Davis is needed for registration.  This report must contain all the information from the Litter Notification.
  • There is no DNA kit.  Please refer to the DNA help guide for collecting hair samples.
  • For the parents’ information, you will need to enter the information required with the exact information found on the sire and dams registration papers.  This information can also be found in the AKKPS Herd Book and is also shown on the Litter Notification.
  • AKKPS does not require a picture or Microchip Number or Ear Tag Number to be entered on the UC Davis report however it is highly recommended.
  • On the DNA report, the parent’s information may contain information that pertains to another registry due to the pig being originally registered with another registry and then Dual Registered to AKKPS.  AKKPS accepts this due to the pig being Dual registered with AKKPS.  The pigs DNA case number follows the pig regardless of the original registry the pig was registered with.
  • Should the pig being tested be confirmed to have a different sire or dam other than the one litter notified with, this will be corrected at the time of full registration and not before.  
  • Should a DNA issue arise after the pig is sold, the AKKPS member owning the pig or the original breeder can re DNA the pig.  A common issue is a DNA swap with a sibling.  Most of the time the issue is discovered when the pig has offspring and the DNA of the piglets do not match the sire or dam.
  • If there is a DNA issue and the issue is resolved, the AKKPS registrar will require the new DNA report in order to correct the information in the AKKPS Herd Book.  
Full Registration  - Full Breeding Registration Rights
  • AKKPS accepts Double Wattled, Single Wattled and Unwattled Pigs for Full Registration.
  • It is during this step that the “P” is removed from the AKKPS number by the AKKPS Registrar. 
  • During this step the AKKPS Registered Name is assigned by the AKKPS Registrar.
  • A Call name is added during this step of the registration process.  The call name can be no more than 2 words and can not contain a farm name.  A Call name is optional.
  • Parentage Verification DNA is required for Full Registration.
  • Full Registrations are for breeding, intact animals.
  • All pigs require a permanent form of ID done by the breeder.  Permanent ID means microchips, Ear Tags or Tattoo.  Please refer to the Permanent ID Help Guide for more information on requirements.
  • Only the Breeder of the pig can enter the registration request. 
  • During this step of the registration process is when the new owner of the pig is assigned by the breeder.  The breeder does NOT need to register the pig to themselves and then transfer the pig to the owner – this is all done in this one step.  If the breeder is retaining the pig, the breeder should register the pig to themself.
  • The New Owner does NOT need to be an AKKPS Member.
  • Registrations are emailed to the new owner within 4 weeks of submission to the AKKPS Registrar.
  • If a mistake was made when submitting the litter notification (wrong parent, color, wattle count, sex, etc.) the mistake can be fixed during this step.
COMPANION ANIMAL REGISTRATION  - NO Breeding or Full Registration Rights (formerly Pet Registration)
  • Generally, this type of registration is used for a castrated male or spayed female however intact animals not meant for breeding can be put on this type of registration.
  • TheNew Owner does NOT need to be an AKKPS Member.
  • A registered name will NOT be issued to animals with a Grazing Animal Registration.  The animal will have an AKKPS number.
  • A Call name can be added during this step of the registration process.  The call name can be no more than 2 words and cannot contain a farm name.
  • No DNA is required for a Grazing Pig Registration.
  • All pigs require a permanent form of ID done by the breeder.  Permanent ID means microchips, Ear Tags or Tattoo.  Please refer to the Permanent ID Help Guide for more information on requirements.
  • The Breeder changes status in the Herd Book.
  • After the status change, the Breeder can transfer the Pig to a new owner automatically or the pig can stay in the breeder’s name and a pedigree is available to download when the breeder is logged into the AKKPS Members Section of the website.
  • It is during this step that the “P” is removed from the AKKPS number and GA will be added to the AKKPS number. 
  • If in the future the breeder decides to convert the pig to Full Registration, The Breeder can fill out the following form to convert the pig to Full Registration with a copy of the Parentage Verification DNA Report from UC Davis using the breeders UC Davis account. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfqDqjFRRHoZ1nnirWg7w-h7Qv2KfHzicreWh69wjTwTU0gew/viewform?usp=sf_link
  • The New Owner of this pig cannot change the pig to Full Registration - Only the original breeder can change the status.
  • If a mistake was made when submitting the litter notification, no changes can be made on a Companion Animal Registration.  However, if the pig is converted later to a Full Registration, changes can be made then by the Breeder.
ANIMAL FOR HARVEST REGISTRATION - NO Breeding or Full Registration Rights
  • This type of registration is for pigs that are intended to be harvested for meat.
  • The New Owner does NOT need to be an AKKPS Member.
  • A Call name is added during this step of the registration process.  The call name can be no more than 2 words and cannot contain a farm name. 
  • No DNA is required for an Animal for Harvest Registration however the AKKPS reserves the right at anytime to ask that the animal be parentage DNA verfied
  • All pigs require a permanent form of ID done by the breeder.  Permanent ID means microchips, Ear Tags or Tattoo.  Please refer to the Permanent ID Help Guide for more information on requirements.
  • The Breeder changes status in the Herd Book.
  • After the status change, the Breeder can transfer the Pig to a new owner automatically or the pig will remain their name as an Animal for Harvest and a pedigree is available to download in the Herd Book when logging into the Member Section of the AKKPS website.
  • It is during this step that the “P” is removed from the AKKPS number and MP will be added to the AKKPS number. 
  • If in the future the breeder decides to convert the pig to Full Registration for the current owner, the Breeder can fill out the following form to convert the pig to Full Registration with a Parentage Verification DNA Report from UC Davis. Form to Convert to Full Registration by the Breeder (click here)
  • The New Owner of this pig cannot change the pig to Full Registration only the breeder can.
  • If a mistake was made when submitting the litter notification, no changes can be made on a Grazing Animal Registration.  However, if the pig is converted later to a Full Registration, changes can be made then by the Breeder.
  • No Registered Name is assigned to the pig for a Grazing Animal Registration.  An AKKPS number is assigned.
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