4/11/13 Conception Date
501C (7)
The name of the organization shall be the American KuneKune Pig Society - AKKPS.
The purpose of the Society shall be to provide a 501c (7) nonprofit, membership driven registry for KuneKune Pigs in the United States and Canada. The Society shall be governed solely by the membership through the 7 Elected Board of Directors elected by the membership.
It shall be the mission of the Society to encourage a spirit of collaboration amongst breeders, to promote and improve the breed of KuneKune swine through ownership, breeding, exhibition and education and to protect and preserve the breed and the breed standard by maintaining a permanent and ongoing record of their lineage within the AKKPS Herd Book. The AKKPS shall provide a website with Educational Material, an outlet for KuneKune shows whether through the AKKPS or a show sanctioned by the AKKPS and Directors to help aid members in the registration process.
- Membership in the Society shall be open to all who share the philosophy of the Society's Mission.
- Membership is not limited to residents or citizens of the United States of America and Canada.
- AKKPS reserves the right to refuse membership to anyone currently serving as CEO, President or on another board of directors or Board of Advisors for another KuneKune Registry or Organization causing harm or slander to the organization in any form.
- AKKPS reserves the right to deny membership to anyone who has previously has caused harm through slander of the organization.
- The AKKPS reserves the right to request 2 forms of ID (State or Provincial issued ID with photo and a utility bill) to process membership.
The Society shall have the following classes of membership:
- Individual 12 Month Renewable Membership
- Individual Lifetime Membership
- Sponsored 3 Month Renewable Membership
- Sponsored 12 Month Renewable Membership
The Society shall have the following lists available on the AKKPS website per AKKPS Member Vote:
- AKKPS Members & Breeders List - All Members, Breeders and Enthusiasts.
- AKKPS Exclusive Breeders List - Must apply and meet qualification of 1 Litter Notification a year and not register or litter notify with another KuneKune registry.
Yearly dues are payable via PayPal, Zelle, Venmo or Check on or before the member's official join date each year.
It is expected that all AKKPS Members will keep their AKKPS Member Portal Information up to date in order to receive pertinent AKKPS Membership Business and notifications. It is understood that email is the main form of communication from the registry to the AKKPS Members.
Membership dues will include all registration related items with the exception of DNA, permanent identification method and mailed printed pedigrees.
Membership dues are used for the registration process, Google Workspace, computer programs, website fees, all forms of advertising, liability insurance, general operating expenses, accountant, and legal fees.
The yearly dues amount shall be assessed yearly by the AKKPS Board of Directors and are based on the budget for that year.
All membership dues and mailed printed pedigree fees will be paid directly to the AKKPS.
The AKKPS does not permit a Farm Name to be changed once animals have been registered under the Farm Name.
AKKPS Memberships include a Farm Name and a Person(s). The Farm Name and Person(s) are one in the same and can not be separated.
AKKPS can not remove a member on an AKKPS Membership without written consent of all members on the AKKPS Membership Account or a court order.
Each member in good standing shall have the right to have a voice in the future growth, formation and governing of the society through voting for the election of directors in accordance with these bylaws and voting on all issues put before the membership by the elected Board of Directors.
Any member in good standing with AKKPS may use the AKKPS collective membership MEMBER mark on their website and promotional marketing materials. Upon termination of membership, former members must cease use of the AKKPS collective membership MEMBER mark, and all other AKKPS trademarks, and remove it from all materials immediately.
An AKKPS Member or nonmember who is causing emotional harm or slander towards the AKKPS or any AKKPS member(s) publicly (social media, mass email, mass text, website and the likes of) or is not treating a Board of Director Member or AKKPS Volunteer in a courteous manner in all types of communcation, may have their membership revoked permanently or suspended by a unanimous vote, less, no greater than two, abstaining votes, of the members of the Board of Directors. The vote shall be conducted in a closed-door Board of Directors meeting to protect the privacy of the Member. If the vote pertains to an AKKPS Member, the member shall be privately notified in advance of a proposed vote to revoke their membership with accompanying details, and privately informed of the result of the vote via email. The member will have an opportunity to address the Board of Directors before any vote occurs through email or in person virtually. There shall be no public notification of revocation of membership. Should a membership be revoked, any remaining dues shall be calculated and refunded to the former member.
AKKPS reserves the right to register pigs to new owners if an AKKPS Member or individual sells a pig AKKPS registered and does not follow through on registration. The AKKPS Member or person may have AKKPS Member Privileges revoked or suspended as a result. Step Plan guidelines can be found on the AKKPS Website.
The Current AKKPS Board of Directors are under no obligation to revisit prior Board of Directors decisions in regards to membership revocation, suspension or discipline.
The AKKPS reserves the right to request 2 forms of ID (State pr Provincial Issued ID with photo and 1 other form of ID with name and address) confirming both identity and address should a revoked member be suspected of trying to re join the AKKPS under an alias farm and or membership name.
AKKPS member votes must be open for a minimum of 10 days. Ballots are emailed to members, posted on the AKKPS Members Only Facebook page and posted on the Members Only section of the AKKPS member portal. A vote reminder will be emailed approximately half way through the voting time frame. Society Member Vote outcome implementation is based on the results from the AKKPS members who voted. The AKKPS strongly encourages all AKKPS Members to vote and have their voices heard.
Virtual Meetings of the entire Society may be called by:
- The President of the Association,
- The Chairman of the Board of the Association,
- A majority of the members of the Board of Directors of the Society, or
- Petition of 20% of the Members of the Society.
- All meetings will be held virtually and shall be preceded by a minimum of 30 days’ notice. Notification shall be made available online via the Members Only Section of the AKKPS Member Portal and/or through email.
- Notice of the meeting shall state the purpose of the meeting and an agenda.
- In lieu of an Annual Society Meeting, members voted to have a Year End Summary emailed to all Society Members.
The Society shall have a Board of Directors consisting of seven elected members. 6 Directors must be USA residents and no more than one Canadian Director. There may be one alternate member. The alternate will have no voting rights and will step in should a director resign or not be able to attend a meeting. The Board of Directors shall serve as members representatives in conducting the business of the Society including but not limited to amending by laws, putting items before the membership for vote, making financial decisions, making registration and membership protocols and decisions.
At no time while performing AKKPS Business with an AKKPS Member shall a Board of Directors member enter into conversations in regards to the AKKPS Board Members personal farm sales. Nor shall a Board of Directors member recommend specific breeders while conducting AKKPS Business with an AKKPS Member.
Qualifications of Directors
- Register and Litter Notify solely with AKKPS
- Be on the AKKPS Exclusive Breeders List each year while serving on the AKKPS Board of Directors
- Can not be currently serving on, working for or own a KuneKune affiliated organization or registry
- Board members must register all intact pigs sold, including companion animals with AKKPS. Designated meat pigs should be coded as such in the AKKPS Member Portal by the members.
- Not crossbreed KuneKunes with other Breeds of swine
- Be in good standing with the AKKPS
- Have up to 10 hours per month to volunteer for AKKPS
- Be available for quarterly meetings as well as emergency meetings
- Have access to reliable internet
- Be well versed in the AKKPS registration process and pass a 10 question test with 80% accuracy
- Be well versed on KuneKunes as a whole
- Sign an indefinite confidentiality contract
There shall be 7 directors and 1 optional alternate director. Directors shall report directly to the membership whose interests they represent on the Board of Directors. Each Director shall be responsible for bringing all members' business forward for consideration and corresponding with the member of the results after the Board of Directors Meeting. Members' correspondence with Directors should be in the form of a Contact Your Director form found on the AKKPS Contact Page of the website or via the Directors AKKPS email address.
In the event of an AKKPS Board of Director vacancy in between regular voting terms, The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall appoint a replacement Interim Full Voting Director or an Alternate Non Voting Director if the term being replaced is for 6 months or less. The appointment will take place after the AKKPS BOD has nominated candidates, verified credentials and the AKKPS BOD has voted on the candidates brought forth.
Should the term remaining be greater than 6 months, the AKKPS will ask the Society for applications and the Society will vote on the new Director. Application acceptance will be open for 7 days and voting will be open for 7 days. Should no qualifying AKKPS Member apply, the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall appoint a replacement Interim Full Voting Director or an Alternate Non Voting Director. The appointment will take place after the AKKPS BOD has nominated candidates, verified qualifications and the AKKPS BOD has voted on the candidates brought forth. The appointment time frame for replacement shall be no greater than 4 weeks barring no qualifying candidates. In the case of no qualified candidates, the space shall remain vacant until a qualified candidate is brought forward or the replacement term is up for reelection.
- Regular Virtual Board of Directors Meetings will take place a minimum of once a quarter and will be called by the President of the organization.
- Notice of meetings will be posted on the AKKPS Members Only Log In Portal on the AKKPS Members Only section at least 30 days in advance.
- Meeting minutes will be posted for members viewing in the AKKPS Member Portal Members Only Section.
- Should a meeting contain business concerning a specific member, this information will NOT be made public.
- The members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by the majority of ballots cast by the members of the Board of Directors each November.
- The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall appoint an interim member of the Board of Directors, upon majority agreement of the members of the Board of Directors, to fill a position vacated by a Board Member should there not be an alternate member of the Board of Directors.
- Board Members serve a 2-year term with elections being every November and term starting every January.
- Board Members terms are staggered with 4 going out on odd years and 3 going out on even years.
- There shall be no limit upon the number of consecutive terms of service to the Society.
- Should the Board of Directors be unable to fill 7 spots, the board may work with no less than 5 members.
Any Director may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at a special meeting of the Society called for that purpose. Removal will be considered for breach of By-Laws or failure to perform assigned Board of Director Duties. The vote shall be conducted in a closed-door Board of Directors meeting to protect the privacy of the Member. The Member shall be privately notified in advance, no less than 7 days in advance of a proposed vote to revoke his or her membership, with accompanying details, and privately informed of the result of the vote via email. The member will have an opportunity to address the Board of Directors before any vote occurs through email or in person virtually.
The Society shall have, in service to the membership, a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer with the duties of each office set forth below. These Officers shall be elected from the membership of the Board of Directors and must be USA Residents with the exception of the Vice President and Secretary which may be the Canadian Board of Director. Officers are elected by the Board of Directors upon completion of a previous officers term regardless if the Director/officer is reelected. The Chairman of the Board of Directors and President may appoint Volunteer Officers assigned to specific duties. These appointments shall not serve on the Board of Directors. At no time shall any contracted company, person or founding member (unless on the Board of Directors) have voting or decision-making authority for the AKKPS. No paid contract company or individual working for the AKKPS may serve on the AKKPS Board of Directors.
The President shall be an USA chief executive officer of the Society and shall have general supervision, and shall direct the business and officers of the Society. The President shall preside at all meetings of the executive officers, meetings of the Board of Directors and meetings of the Society as a whole. The president shall incorporate the Society in their residing state and put all banking related items in their name as well as Google Workspace. Only a board member that has served a full 2 year term would be qualified to run for the President.
In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall assume all duties and responsibilities of the President. The Vice President shall also assume other such duties as assigned by the President or the Board of Directors. In the event the Vice President is Canadian, the Vice President shall act as Acting President until a USA citizen is available for the position. Only a board member that has served a full 2 year term would be qualified to run for the Vice President.
The Secretary shall keep a book of the minutes of all meetings of the executive officers, the Board of Directors and the members. The minutes shall record the time and place of the meeting, the purpose of the meeting, the officers and members in attendance and the proceedings of the meeting. The minutes, as recorded, shall be posted in Google Workspace for Members to view with the exception of confidential information which will be kept in Google Workspace not viewable to members.
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to communicate with the contracted paid Bookkeeper and verify the financial statements are processed quarterly. In addition, the treasurer shall present the annual report and budget at the annual society meeting each year. Yearly and Quarterly reports shall be posted to AKKPS Members Only Section of the AKKPS Member Portal.
In addition to duties as a member of the Board of Directors, the Chairman shall cast the deciding ballot in all matters in which the Board of Directors' votes result in a tied decision. The COB always votes last.
The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and The Chairman of the Board shall be elected from the members of the Board of Directors by a majority of ballots cast by the Board of Directors when the Director holding a position of an officer is at the end of his or her term, regardless if the Director reruns and serves another term.
Only a board member that has served a full 2 year term is qualified to run for the President or Vice-President position. In the event of a vacancy of the offices of Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer, the Board of Directors shall appoint a member to fill the vacancy until the next regular election.
AKKPS shall use an independent paid accountant in the USA.
AKKPS reserves the right to have a paid 1099 contractor or BOD volunteer for the registrar position. The registrar must be in the USA. The BOD interviews and chooses the registrar with the most knowledge. The registrar shall sign a 1-year annual contract each calendar year which includes indefinite confidentiality clauses, as well as an indefinite agreement to not use AKKPS Member or Herd Book information outside of the position of registrar.
The AKKPS shall have 2 Board of Director Members who are trained in the AKKPS Member portal system which includes membership, registration, and the AKKPS Herd Book. At no time will a Director enter registrations or upload to the Herd Book unless the Registrar is not available within a reasonable time frame. Should the registrar be an AKKPS Board Member or sell KuneKunes, there will be an assigned Board Member to audit the registrar's submissions. At no time will the registrar use their position to further their personal KuneKune Herd by using information privy to the registrar.
The AKKPS at all times will have a webmaster. This position may be paid or a BOD volunteer position.
The AKKPS will at all time have a relationship with a paid lawyer for any legal needs of the AKKPS in the residing state of incorporation..
The Board of Directors may appoint members to help with any business the Society may require. These individuals shall be subject to deletion, alteration, replacement or removal at any duly called meeting of the Board of Directors, by majority vote of the Board of Directors.
AKKPS Board of Directors cannot be held personally liable for decisions made in upholding AKKPS By Laws, Buyers Help Step Plan and/or AKKPS code of ethics.
AKKPS Board of Directors cannot be held personally liable for anything resulting from votes made by the BOD for AKKPS members.
Members may make proposals to adopt, amend or repeal Bylaws by putting forth such a request to any Board of Director. The Board of Director will present the proposal at the next Board of Directors meeting.
Directors shall serve the interests of the members of the Society in the adoption, amending and repealing of Bylaws. Amendments to the Bylaws must be approved by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors present at any meeting.
The AKKPS Board of Directors is within its rights to send cease and desist letters as deemed necessary by the AKKPS retained law firm for per September 2023 Society Vote.
The Society shall have a detailed Registration Policy Documents available on the AKKPS website in addition to the below basic policies.
- A farm name may not be changed once the first litter notification has been received.
- Both the sire and dam must be registered with AKKPS.
- Only the owner of the sow at the time of farrowing can register piglets born to that litter.
- Only AKKPS Members in good standing can perform registration related items.
- AKKPS requires Parentage DNA Verification through UC Davis for all pigs fully registered with the exception of imports which require baseline DNA through UC Davis.
- Show Titles for an AKKPS sanctioned show will be awarded in the AKKPS Herd Book for an AKKPS registered pig that receives a title using the AKKPS Registration certificate for show entry by the owner.
- Pursuant to the September 2023 Society Member Vote result … Indefinitely, no other New KuneKune registry will be accepted for originating dual registration by the AKKPS other than the ones that are currently accepted which include IKHR/AKPR, BKKPS, and The New Zealand KuneKune Association.
- An imported animal presented for Dual Registration will retain the KuneKune blood line name on the animals original registration papers that are presented for Dual Registration. The member importing may choose a prefix of their choice to go before the blood line name. The new name will be treated in the AKKPS numbering system as a separate line. (Example BH Tutaki and Tutaki). Should another recognized registry be the registry that accepts the import first, the AKKPS will recognize the blood line name assigned by the recognized registry per September 2023 Society Vote.
- The AKKPS does not permit cloning of an animal.
- The AKKPS does permit the use of collected semen from an AKKPS registered boar for Artificial Insemination.
- The AKKPS adopts the BKKPS Breed Standard.
At all times the AKKPS must provide a Liability Policy to cover the AKKPS and the AKKPS Board of Director Members.
In the event an AKKPS owner of a pig dies, heirs to the owner of the pigs can submit a death certificate to the BOD and will be allowed to transfer to the current owner’s name.
In the event of divorce, separation or farm dispersal AKKPS must receive in writing notarized before AKKPS has the right to transfer or divide pigs whose owners are 2 or more people. A new farm name will be required for each party unless legal documentation is provided as to which party will retain the farm name and which party will receive a new farm name.
- AKKPS shall have a weekly CSV backup of the AKKPS Member Portal, Herd Book and Registration Platform owned by the AKKPS which are stored by a contracted company, in the AKKPS Google Workspace and with the President and Secretary.
- AKKPS shall have a written guide on performing all AKKPS Member Portal Components.
- AKKPS shall have the written programming portfolio for the AKKPS Member Portal.
- All written items are stored in the AKKPS Google Drive as well as with the President and the Secretary of AKKPS.
Updated 10/22/24 to meet Federal and State Compliance and include AKKPS regulations and rules as well as AKKPS Member votes.