AKKPS Member

Permanent Identification

All registered pigs must be permanently identified for all 3 types or registration (Full, Companion Animal and Animal for Harvest).

The identification must be placed in or on the pig prior to leaving for the breeders farm.

Identification is needed to register the pigs and should be placed on the DNA submittal form with UC Davis

Identification is for registration and identification purposes only.

AKKPS accepts 3 forms of permanent identification for registration purposes.  Please make sure that the form of ID is acceptable in the country which you live. 

Microchips – Any brand of chip is accepted.  The numbers should be unique, so the numbers are never repeated in any pig in the AKKPS herd book.  No symbols are accepted.  

Ear Tags – Any brand or style of ear tag is accepted.  The numbers and/or letters on the ear tag should be unique so the number is never repeated in any pig in the AKKPS herd book.  Only numbers and letters are accepted (no symbols).

Tattoos - Tattoo your herd prefix in the right ear of the pig and tattoo the registration number (including AKKPS) in the left ear.  Tattoos fade easily and are not recommended but are accepted.

Should a chip no longer scan, an ear tag falls out, or a tattoo becomes illegible, a new form of identification should be done and AKKPS notified using the herd book correction form to change the identification number and or method.

For USA residents, The AKKPS does not require USDA 840 identification however it is recommended.

For USA residents, USDA certified processors and other processors may require a certain form of identification or not allow certain forms of identification.  Please check with your processor to see what the requirements are for processing.  Should a new form of ID be used, please fill out the herd book correction form to update the pigs permanent identification.

All states in the USA and Canada have identification requirements for CVI’s (Certified Vet Inspection) for transport.  Please consult each state for their requirements.

Below are some places to purchase ID methods but by no means is a complete list and the member is welcome to purchase from any source.


Requires ONLY ear tags - Please see link below.



Microchip links

Nano Chips - NOT 840

Ear tag Links

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