

BREEDER & OWNER Time Frame for Registration Submission 

The Registration Time Frames start from the day the new owner has the pig in their possession.

Please note there is no time frame for litter notification or registration of animals NOT yet in their new owners possession or being retained for all purposes.

The AKKPS expects AKKPS Members, Breeders and Owners of registered AKKPS Pigs to complete all types of registrations as it is their responsibility to do so in a timely manner.

The AKKPS STRONGLY encourages the use of a contract which is made available on the AKKPS website as well as the Members Only Section of the AKKPS Member Portal.  Contracts are the responsibility of the Seller and  the Buyer.

The AKKPS provides a Buyers Guide to Purchasing an AKKPS Registered KuneKune on the AKKPS website.  Sellers and Buyers should be well versed when selling pigs.

AKKPS has a program called the The Buyer’s Registration Help / Step Plan which is designed to help buyers of AKKPS Registered pigs get them registered with the help of the AKKPS when the seller does not complete the registration process in a timely manner.  Information and applications for can be found further down this page.

FULL REGISTRATION (click for guidelines)
  • Denoted AKKPS Herd Book in the breeders name as AKKPS # P
  • Submitted to the AKKPS Registrar within 10 weeks of new owner possession by the AKKPS Member  - of this 10 week timeframe, 6 weeks is allotted for UC Davis Parentage DNA testing.  
  • Allows for 6 weeks for UC Davis DNA testing for full registrations.  Should DNA issues arise and go past 6 weeks:
    • The Breeder should contact the new owner and advise them of the situation
    • Reach out to the AKKPS Registrar if help is needed
  • ONLY the AKKPS Breeder can submit a full registration - the buyer of a pig can NOT submit for full registration of a pending pig.
  • Denoted in the AKKPS Herd Book in the seller's name as AKKPS # A
  • Submitted to the AKKPS Registrar by the AKKPS Member within 4 weeks of new owner's possession by the AKKPS Member  OR the current owner if not an AKKPS Member should give the new owner a signed pedigree (signed anywhere on the front) at the time the pig is in the new owner's possession.
    • Sellers who are AKKPS Members should log into the portal and complete the change of status and transfer to the new owner.
    • Buyers completing a Buyer Transfer need to be an AKKPS Member and  log into the AKKPS Member Portal and complete a Buyer Transfer where the signed certificate will be uploaded.
  • Denoted AKKPS Herd Book in seller’s name as AKKPS # MP
  • Submitted to the AKKPS Registrar within 4 weeks of the new owner's possession by the AKKPS Member OR the current owner if not an AKKPS Member should give the new owner a signed pedigree (signed anywhere on the front) at the time the pig is in the new owner's possession.
  • Sellers who are AKKPS Members should log into the portal and complete the change of status and transfer to the new owner.
  • Buyers completing a Buyer Transfer need to be an AKKPS Member and  log into the AKKPS Member Portal and complete a Buyer Transfer where the signed certificate will be uploaded.
TRANSFER REGISTRATION  (click for guidelines)
  • Denoted in the AKKPS Herd Book in the seller's name as
    • AKKPS #
    • AKKPS # A
    • AKKPS # MP
  • Submitted to the AKKPS Registrar within 4 weeks of the new owner’s possession by the AKKPS Member  OR the current owner if not an AKKPS Member should give the new owner a signed pedigree (signed anywhere on the front) at the time the pig is in the new owner's possession.
    • Sellers who are AKKPS Members should log into the portal and complete the change of status and transfer to the new owner.
    • Buyers completing a Buyer Transfer need to be an AKKPS Member and  log into the AKKPS Member Portal and complete a Buyer Transfer where the signed certificate will be uploaded.

AKKPS REGISTRAR Time Frame for Processing Registrations

4 Weeks from submission in the AKKPS Member portal or receipt if mailed registration pending no mistakes were made in submission by the Member or Breeder

- Buyer should add 4 weeks to breeder/ owner timeline to receive the registration via email
- Mistakes on submissions will NOT warrant penalties unless the mistakes are not corrected within 4 weeks.

  • Litter Notifications - Auto Returned
  • Full Registration - requires registrar processing
  • Companion Animal Registration - requires registrar processing
  • Animal for Harvest Registration - requires registrar processing
  • Transfer Registration of anytype - requires registrar processing
  • Dual Registration - requires registrar processing

Daily updated AKKPS Registration processing time can be found on the AKKPS webiste.


The Buyer’s Registration Help / Step Plan is an AKKPS Program designed to help buyers of AKKPS Registered pigs get them registered with the help of the AKKPS when the seller does not complete the registration process.
  1. The AKKPS expects AKKPS Members, Breeders and owners to complete registrations in a timely manner.  This is the responsibility of being a Breeder and Member of the AKKPS and selling AKKPS registered pigs.
  2. New Owners expect and deserve their registrations and are often waiting on them for various reasons such as:.
    • Buying other pigs and want to compare pedigrees
    • Selling the pig
    • Pig is pregnant or has farrowed 
    • Peace of mind
  1. Check the AKKPS Herd Book to verify that the pig has not already be registered to you.
  2. Verify using your contract or written information that the pig was sold as AKKPS registered and was not from another registry.
  • The breeder or seller must have exceeded the time frame allowed by the AKKPS (see top of this page) which starts from the first day the new owner takes possession of the pig
  • The person applying/Buyer must be an AKKPS Member per AKKPS By Laws and for Legality reasons
  • The person applying/Buyer must have some form of written verification that the pigs were sold AKKPS Registered such as:
    • A Contract
    • Text Messages
    • Emails
    • Private Messages from Social Media
    • Have the contact information of the seller if the seller is not an AKKPS Member
  • Have information on the pig they purchased as follows:
    • Pending Pigs for Full Registration
      • AKKPS Litter Notification Number or the parents of the pigs information
        • There is no general database with UC Davis that will allow comparisons to find parentage and the AKKPS cannot help to determine the sire/dam of a pig.
        • If there is no information on the sire and dam, AKKPS cannot continue with the complaint.
        • The Sire and Dam must BOTH be AKKPS registered.
        • The breeder must have owned the dam at the time the pig was born.
        • Should DNA need to be done, the cost will be absorbed by the Buyer if the Seller is not willing to help or can not be reached.  The DNA is done through the AKKPS Master Account and AKKPS will enter the request.
    • Transfer Full Registration, Animals for Harvest and  Companion Animals
      • Seller must be the current owner in the AKKPS Herd Book.
  • For AKKPS Members (active & lapsed), the AKKPS will attempt to get the situation resolved and the pig registered per AKKPS Bylaws with the pigs owner or breeder provided the information is in the AKKPS Member Portal or provided to the AKKPS communication with the following - Response time is limited to 10 days.
    • 1 email
    • 1 phone call 
    • 1 text 
  • Should a non-AKKPS Member sell a pig as AKKPS registered (new Full Registration, Companion Animal, Animal for Harvest, or Transfer), the AKKPS reserves the right to register the pig per AKKPS Bylaws to the new owner with written proof that the pig was sold as AKKPS registered pending DNA parentage verification for Full Registrations.   AKKPS also reserves the right to deny membership to individuals with habitual cases.
    • The AKKPS will attempt to contact the seller provided the information is provided to the AKKPS.  Response time is limited to 10 days.
      • 1 phone call
      • 1 email 
      • 1 text 
  • Should at anytime during communication with the Seller/Breeder there be an issue that involves a trade or a money issue, the AKKPS can not get in the middle and the case will be closed.
  • All communication with come from registrar@akkps.org
  • The AKKPS will begin working on submissions within 5 business days of receipt.
  • Resolution (there is no guarantee that the pig will be registered) to cases can take anywhere from 1 week to 8 weeks from the time AKKPS begins working on the case.
  • Should an AKKPS Member or Non AKKPS Member not fulfill their contractual obligation to a client, the AKKPS has the right according to the AKKPS By Laws to:
    • Register the pig to the new owner.
    • Issue Membership status warnings, suspensions and revocation as well as contract requirements based on per new owner cases should the instances be habitual.
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