By AKKPS Member Caroline Malott of Red Roof KuneKunes

In this article, readers will get an understanding of why it is important to preserve KuneKunes through obtaining registered KuneKunes.

A fully registered KuneKune comes with the guarantee, through Parentage DNA verification, that the pig is a purebred KuneKune.   Animals for Harvest and Companion animals come with a similar guarantee.

A "purebred" KuneKune that is NOT registered is a not a KuneKune, it is simply a pig assumed to be a KuneKune.

Some may say that a registration certificate is just a piece of paper or you can not eat papers.  While this is true, that piece of paper is proof of a purbred KuneKune with all its many sought after traits.

Many have purchased a pig they were told was a purebred KuneKune and or they saw the papers of the parents or the parents themselves only to discover later that they indeed did NOT have a KuneKune.

Preserving the breed through documentation found in the AKKPS Herd Book is vital to the success of the KuneKune.

What is a registered KuneKune?
  • The pig and its littermates have been Litter Notified with the AKKPS which requires both parents to be AKKPS registered.
  • Both parents have DNA parentage Verification throughout their pedigrees all the way up to the original import.
  • All AKKPS registered pigs on Full Registration, require Parentage DNA Verification.
  • All AKKPS registered pigs on Animal for Harvest or Companion Animal papers are subject to random DNA Parentage Verification by the AKKPS.
  • All registered pigs have an ID Method (microchip, ear tag or tattoo) which is reflected in the AKKPS Herd Book and on the registration certificate.
What is DNA Parentage Verification?
  • Parentage DNA Verfiication throug UC Davis is a test done using hair samples from the  pig being tested.
  • DNA is pulled from the root/bulb of the sample.
  • This DNA is compared to the parents of the pigs DNA which is stored with UC Davis.
  • UC Davis can tell the following from the DNA sample
    • Sex
    • Whether or not it is a duplicate sample
    • Whether or not it is a match to listed parents
What are the AKKPS registration qualifications for KuneKunes and what are the different types of registrations?

There are 3 types of AKKPS Pedigrees of which all require Litter Notification.

  • Full Registration (intact males & females)
    • DNA Parentage Verification Required through UC Davis
    • Breeding Rights
  • Animal for Harvest (both males & females)
    • Subject to random Parentage DNA Verification (through UC Davis) request by the AKKPS
    • No Breeding Rights
  • Companion Animal (generally barrows)
    • Subject to random Parentage DNA Verification (through UC Davis) request by the AKKPS
    • No Breeding Rights
What traits do registered KuneKunes have?
  • Tend not to root
  • Docile
  • Manageable size (250 - 450 pounds full grown)
  • Easy on the land
  • Marbled red meat
  • Great with children
  • Grazers (in addition to a small amount of appropriate swine feed)
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